22 Seagulls (SOLD)

22 Seagulls (SOLD)


Seascape by Lynda Howitt

Lynda Howitt ‘22 Seagulls’ Original Artwork

Oil on Canvas

152cmW x 152cmH x 3.5cmD


Painted to capture the immense love we have of the ocean and its powerful and profound affect it has on us to set us free.

Number 22 is called a master number in numerology, which means that it has an extraordinarily powerful vibration. A sign that you are on purpose in life and about to turn your dreams into reality. The seagulls themselves symbolize freedom, freedom from limitations, freedom of adventure. The strength of red for love and hot pink for passion are intertwined with a delicate balance of soft coral and peach for compassion and tenderness. Lyrically flowing together they create a representation of the ocean, its vastness and empowerment. The connection that we find in the ocean that seems to subconsciously soothe and embrace us, is merely just a beautiful reflection of you, as the power of the sea is within us all.

Inspired by Australia’s West Coast.


  • Signed on the front

  • Shipped from Geraldton, Western Australia

“The power of the sea lives within us all. Its soothing nature inspires us as does its profound ability to set us free. The oceans beauty and free-spirited essence is in everything I create. I hope my art is a catalyst for wellbeing for you, me and the sea.”

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